Detoxification With Infrared Sauna

Detoxify by Sweating in your Infrared Sauna, I think you know what is detoxifying mainly refers to the body releasing toxins from foods, air and other harmful environs that are consumed. For infrared sauna detoxification is great, why? because sweating is one of the best ways to detoxify, either through exercise, exertion, hot bathing and by using infrared sauna to sweat out the pollutants in the body. Also infrared sauna actually uses heat to penetrate the skin with using infrared energy waves to increase perspiration, thus eliminating harmful elements in your body directly.

What Kind of Toxins are in Your Body?

Did you know that over 3,000 "additives" aka - chemicals - are used within the food supply just in the United States alone? Plus the metals, toxic chemicals, preservatives, additives and unhealthy things that are added to the food to make it taste better, last longer and basically poison us! Infrared sauna detoxification can help prevent or revert the damage that has been done, through regular perspiration to help the body naturally rid itself of those terrible things we ingest and use.

Although it doesn't happen overnight, over time using an infra cabin or sauna actually boosts the immune system, increases circulation and causes healing in the body. Another bonus is the ability to manage weight, since sweating helps to loosen fat cells and sodium buildup and water retention. Many infrared sauna users experience some weight loss over a prolonged period of time. The health promoting benefits of infrared saunas are plentiful. As detoxification aids, sweating in infrared saunas can improve:
• Healing old injuries
• Blood circulation
• Asthma, bronchitis and other breathing conditions
• Reduces stress
• Joint problems
• Manage metabolism and weight
• Improves skin color and cleanses pores

Sweating in an infrared cabin boosts immunity in many ways. Just like when you suffer from a fever from the flu, the body must get hotter to increase its natural immune system and increase white blood cells, thereby slowing the process of bacteria or virus. In other words, the infrared sauna helps to ward off sickness before symptoms ever arise because the detoxification promotes a healthy immune system.

Some kinds of fast food are especially terrible to eat. It's full of things like preservatives, cholesterol, sulfur, chemicals, aluminum and even mercury. Far-infrared cabin heat and infrared sauna therapy are said to boost your metabolism and immune system at a cellular level, while detoxifying your body through perspiration. Some people find that eating a healthier diet along with the infrared sauna use can really make a dramatic and pleasing change to their appearance and weight management.

Infrared Sauna For Natural Body Detoxification

I Think almost people now already know about the body detoxification powers of infrared saunas. There is not that some scientist invented this or something, infrared sauna is a totally natural phenomenon now.

Infrared Sauna make beauty. You do not need to swallow pills, start a stringent diet or use obscure patches or a detoxification sample product to clean out your body and start to looking and feeling better.

And I think infrared sauna therapy is a sexier solution. It gives you an all natural body detoxification, right !

Now, Everybody is talking about infrared saunas and the amazing effect they have on your health, but only few people know about the natural purifying and regenerating power they have for your body.

One liter of sweat in an ordinary sauna contains approximately 3% toxins, in an infrared sauna this is 20% ! Analysis of sweat in an infrared sauna :
 80 to 85% water
 Fat
 Cholesterol
 Acids
 Natrium
 Ammoniac
 Heavy metals : lead – cadmium – nickel – copper – sodium

Oke let’s talking regarding natural body detoxification : if you are going to loose a lot of bad stuff during an infrared sauna session ! Drink enough water before and after the session for infrared sauna. That makes it a lot easier for your body to get rid of all this unwanted material. And it prevents you from dehydrating.

Infrared Sauna Guide

If you've ever looked for an infrared sauna guide, you've no doubt figured out most of it - get in and sweat. But there is more to using a sauna correctly and safely. To begin, you at least need to know what to wear, what temperature to use, and how long to stay in.

Before the Sauna

Before the sauna, you should drink a glass of water or other hydrating drink (like a sports drink; not coffee, soda, or alcohol.)

Next, every infrared sauna guide will tell you to take a quick shower to get dirt, dry skin, and any soap or lotion residue off your skin.

If you want to do a dry brush to increase your circulation and the benefits of the sauna, then do that before you shower. It's not necessary, but it sure does feel good!

You should wear as little as possible in a sauna, and ideally you should wear nothing. However, if you're using a public sauna or even popping into your friend's sauna, unclothed may not be an option. If you're going to wear clothes, wear loose-fitting clothes that breathe, like shorts and a tank top or loose cotton t-shirt, or a bathing suit even.

If you're going to sauna unclothed, you should take in at least two towels with you-one to sit on and one to wipe sweat with.

Even if you wear clothes, you should still take in a towel to wipe sweat from your body.

Set the temperature fairly low if you're new to a sauna. Traditional hot-rock and steam saunas operate at about 170 - 200 degrees. Some people find this uncomfortable, even intolerable.

The beauty of an infrared sauna is that you can gain the benefits of sweating at much lower temperatures. This is important if you have been unable to tolerate the heat of a traditional sauna for very long.

If you're new to saunas altogether, and have never looked at an infrared sauna guide, start your infrared sauna sessions at about 100 degrees. If that's comfortable for you, then bump the temperature up by about 5 degrees every time until you reach the temperature you like the best for the time you like to spend in the sauna.

Infrared sauna guide: During the Sauna

How long to stay in a sauna depends on several factors. First, listen to your body and don't over do it.

If you're new to using an infrared sauna, start with a lower temperature and stay in for maybe 5-10 minutes. But if you start feeling faint, claustrophobic, or anything else uncomfortable, by all means cut the session short or open the sauna door for a bit. As you get used to the sauna experience, you will be able to tolerate longer and longer stays. An average sauna is about 25-35 minutes, but some people stay in as long as 45 minutes to an hour.

If you have health conditions or are sick, keep the sessions on the lower side at first until you build up tolerance. When you first start to sauna with health issues (and please, check with your doctor first!), start at about 5 minutes, unless you're able to easily tolerate more time. You might only be able to tolerate one session a week if you have health issues, and that's fine. Work towards increasing time spent in the sauna and the number of saunas per week to about 30 minutes each day for the best overall benefit. (Better to use your infrared sauna less than you anticipated at first than to overdo it and do yourself harm.)

You can take drinks into the sauna with you, but again, only water or sports drink. Don't drink caffeinated drinks or alcohol before or during a sauna.

If you want to listen to music or read, that's fine, too. In fact, infrared saunas come with the option to purchase a quality, heat and moisture-proof sound system. Your walkman or MP3 player will work, too, but remember you'll be sweating, so the unit and ear buds may get sweaty.
Infrared sauna guide: After the Sauna

After you're done in the sauna, take a warm to cool shower to remove sweat and toxins from your skin. If possible, avoid putting soap and especially lotion on your skin, which will only clog the pores you just cleansed. A cold water rinse will close up your pores quickly and leave your skin feeling incredibly and naturally smooth.

You might feel the need to relax before getting back to your day. Listen to your body. A sauna is relaxing, so why not savor the invigorating and relaxing feelings for a while. Read More...

What are you think infrared sauna ?

Infrared sauna….What is an infrared sauna and how does it work? Basically the main appeal in regards to a sauna is the health benefits right, I mean who wants to sit in an oven for nothing? So how does the infrared sauna differ from the traditional sauna? Firstly it does not feel like an oven, the infrared sauna uses and infrared heater it does not use wood or electric stoves.

Heater from infrared sauna heats the occupants not the surroundings. The infrared heater uses far infrared light. And far Infrared light create emits far infrared radiation. Infrared radiation is known as heat. Infrared light form the sun accounts for around 50% of the heat on our planet. The infrared radiation or better known as heat is safe and beneficial.

And once again the difference between the traditional sauna and the infrared Sauna is the sauna itself is not so hot. Those in the sauna will get hot as they absorb the infrared light. That infrared light penetrates the skin to debt of up to an inch and a half hence giving it the ability to stimulate and heal tissue.

Seemingly it can do this to a greater extent than the traditional sauna. In actual fact proponents of the infrared sauna say it will even make you sweat more than a conventional sauna. Learn more about the infrared sauna and it s health benefits.

Portable Infrared Sauna

Now everybody's talking regarding infrared sauna and what they can do for your health. Traditional sauna have been around long enough for everybody to realize that their health benefits are not made up.

Do you ever been in a traditional or steam sauna? Maybe you already know the amazing result they have on your skin with sauna. The silky smooth feeling you have on your skin after a relaxing, rejuvenating session in a sauna leaves nothing to be desired from a skin-cleansing standpoint.

And What is a personal portable infrared sauna?

A portable infrared sauna are somewhat same as to a sauna that you would find in a gym or near a pool. Infrared sauna differ in the way of how the heat that you can feel is produced. A conventional sauna uses heated steam to warm the air around you, creating a very hot environment, sometimes almost unbearably hot; whereas an infrared sauna uses waves, similar to the sun, to transmit heat into your skin. The heat derived from an infrared sauna is much more subtle and penetrates deeply, causing a greater feeling of rejuvenation than a conventional sauna can produce, according to some users.

A Portable infrared saunas create an atmosphere of ultimate relaxation while whisking away the cares of your day and cleansing both your body and mind. This body cleansing experience comes in the way of removal of man made toxins from your body due to increased perspiration from the penetrating heat of the infrared sauna.

So, why you don't try portable infrared sauna?

Infrared Sauna Style

What do you need to look at to buy infrared sauna? Buying an infrared sauna is a lot more difficult than you would think. If you're reading this, you probably know about the benefits of infrared saunas. Basically Infrared saunas provide more benefits than traditional saunas since you can stay in them longer and if you are considering some sort of sauna experience for the long term, an infrared sauna is your better bet than the traditional standard, right!.

There are many of companies that sell infrared saunas product, and in truth none of them are better than the others. Check their sites and choose the type of sauna you would like. Are you like a cabin style sauna? Or portable sauna or tent sauna style? You can never be too safe on a purchase as large as an infrared sauna, as the standard cabin style ones can cost over $1,900 dollars.

If you would like a cabin style infrared sauna, you can get them in just about any type of wood you would like. Again, there is no best infrared sauna in this category as the wood is purely cosmetic. What is an infrared sauna and how does it work? Firstly it does not feel like an oven, the infrared sauna uses and infrared heater it does not use wood or electric stoves.

The infrared heater uses far infrared light. Far Infrared light emits far infrared radiation. Infrared radiation is known as heat. Infrared light form the sun accounts for around 50% of the heat on our planet. The infrared radiation or better known as heat is safe and beneficial.

So once again the difference between the traditional sauna and the infrared Sauna is that the sauna itself is not hot. Those in the sauna will get hot as they absorb the infrared light. Seemingly it can do this to a greater extent than the traditional sauna. In actual fact proponents of the infrared sauna say it will even make you sweat more than a conventional sauna. Learn more about the infrared sauna and it s health benefits.

infrared sauna basic information

A Sauna have been used for hundreds of years. Finland is credited with inventing the sauna system , but also early sauna use is also recorded in China and other countries in the world. This article is a great place to start if you're looking for basic infrared sauna information. Traditional saunas, however work very differently from infrared saunas.

Infrared sauna warm your body without needing to warm the air between you and the heat source. Thin carbon plates or sheets are the heating elements needed in an infrared sauna. The concept is the same as the traditional steam sauna, but infrared saunas do it better, more effectively, and more safely.

The lower air temperature in an infrared sauna means that infrared saunas are more comfortable for people to sit in for a longer period of time, even though they are still working up quite a sweat. Traditional saunas become quite stifling after a short time.

Arround 80% of the sun's rays consist of infrared radiation, and all those healthy benefits are passed along to us in an infrared sauna. One important difference is that an infrared sauna doesn't contain the harmful UV rays that are in sunlight, so infrared saunas are much safer than sunbathing.

Much of saunas come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. We have always know the healthy benefits of sauna therapy. Infrared saunas are the new wave of sauna, working in a whole new way from the conventional steam sauna.

In traditional Finnish saunas allow more than one person, and finally infrared saunas can fit more than one person to relax and enjoy themselves. If the price doesn't deter you, then by all means go for that infrared sauna. For anyone who wants an infrared sauna and does not live alone or have no friends, a 2 person infrared sauna is the way to go.

benefit of infrared saunas

Well there are many significant differences in infrared saunas today. Then came the first production of infrared saunas. The first American made infrared saunas used the same technology. The actual saunas were made here in the USA but the heaters themselves still came fro Japan and Korea since there is no US manufacturer of the far-wave infrared heater made strictly for sauna use.

There have been two other types of heaters installed in infrared saunas, one is a small ceramic heater that is shaped in a convex or concave shape. These heaters were introduced in the infrared sauna market in the early '90's. The ceramic heaters have one standard size and that is standard in the manufacturing industry not the sauna industry. Then there are carbon heaters. the new infrared sauna heater. The problem is though; real far infrared heat comes from a low temperature heater. The prettiest and most expensive sauna wood is the Western Red Canadian Cedar.

Usually all infrared sauna manufactures will cover the infrared heaters for at least five years, but some will offer a lifetime warranty. An infrared sauna is much better than a traditional sauna in many ways. You might consider these benefits if you are considering a sauna in your home or your business.Infrared saunas warm up much quicker than the traditional saunas. You might find yourself waiting for long periods of time in a traditional sauna. The time it takes to warm an infrared sauna is only about 15 minutes or 20 minutes at the most. Traditional saunas warm the body by environmental heat.

The infrared sauna has an output of infrared rays that do not heat the atmosphere but your body directly. An infrared sauna is much more pleasant and everyone can enjoy the health benefits.Infrared saunas are also very economical. The infrared saunas don't require special electrical wiring either. All you need for an infrared sauna is a standard electrical outlet. Infrared saunas don't require you to do anything but relax while the infrared rays do the work. If you are in the market to purchase a sauna for you home or business, you might want to think about these benefits.Infrared saunas are able to warm up far more quickly than traditional saunas. It only takes about 15 - 20 minutes for an infrared sauna to warm up, whereas a traditional sauna can take as much as one hour to warm up properly.

The warming time is one of the biggest benefits of an infrared sauna.Heat penetration with an infrared sauna is another major benefit, a traditional sauna warms the body by use of environmental heat of from 170 to 210º, this often makes it difficult for people to breathe and can be extremely uncomfortable. The heating technique of an infrared sauna does not heat the atmosphere, it heats the body directly. Infrared rays penetrate the body allowing for a more comfortable environment in the sauna itself. An infrared sauna is very economical it will increase your power bill by as much as approximately $10 a month. An infrared sauna requires no special electrical wiring and if you want to install one in your business, infrared is the way to go. In many ways it is considered that infrared saunas are better than the traditional type.

A traditional sauna may take up to one hour to become ready for use, whereas it only takes 15 -20 minutes at most for an infrared sauna to be ready for use. This is probably one of the biggest benefits of choosing an infrared sauna over the traditional type.The heat penetration of an infrared sauna is another major benefit. With a traditional sauna, the body is warmed by use of environmental heat, with the infrared variety infrared rays warm the body itself and not the atmospheric environment. The effects of an infrared sauna are far more pleasant and everyone is able to benefit from this.

Traditional saunas heat the atmospheric environment up to as much as between 170 and 210º, and this heat in terms of breathing is difficult to become used to.The economics of infrared saunas dictates that they are fast becoming the sauna of choice for both family homes and businesses. Infrared saunas preclude any of these scenarios; there is no need for rocks, no need for water and no danger of burns.It is without a doubt that the use of an infrared sauna has more benefits that those of the traditional variety.

How Does an Infrared Sauna Work?

Whether you have been told to try an infrared sauna for various health reasons or you're just looking for a new way help your body feel refreshed and rejuvenated, one thing that you need to look into is an infrared sauna. The light that is produced by an infrared sauna warms you up without warming the air between you and the heat emitters.

Infrared saunas do not use UV light; instead it radiates infrared light along with a small spectrum of red, orange and yellow light found on that end of the spectrum. An infrared sauna works on the same the principles that a normal sauna does. When your body sweats, you are flushing impurities out of your system. As the tissues of your body absorb the rays produced by the source of heat, it will start to expel the toxins from your body. With an infrared sauna, your body will be affected at a cellular level, where the toxins from your cells will be pushed into your blood stream and then released from your body.

Infrared light from a sauna like this will also penetrate your body better than the heat from a steam sauna will' far infrared light is said to penetrate your body deeper than steam heat, and also to duplicate the healthy frequencies of your body's cells. 80% of the light that makes it to Earth is infrared!

An infrared sauna has several advantages over a regular steam sauna. One thing to keep in mind is that an infrared sauna tends to be cooler. Similarly, because the infrared light is absorbed deeply into our systems, your muscles are gently warmed as are your internal organs. The results can be quite exceptional; people have said that chronic problems concerning their liver or their heart have been greatly improved with the use of an infrared sauna. Infrared saunas, due to their ability to get toxins out of your system, are also well known for their ability to prevent chronic infections and illness.

Infrared Sauna Kit

The traditional Saunas available in the market use steam to provide heat. The Infrared Sauna is the latest technological innovation to the 'Sauna world' and it provides heat with the help of infrared rays. The infrared rays are highly penetrative in nature and achieve a very good heating effect. The iron box which we use at our homes to iron out our clothes works on the principle of infrared heating.

What does an infrared sauna kit contain?

• Infrared heat emitters - You would require a heat emitter which is at the core of every Sauna kit. These would be the equipments primarily responsible for emission of infrared rays. Most Sauna kits use 100% ceramic emitters. The special property of these emitters is that they emit about 8-10 microns and these are responsible for generating 90% of the total heat output.

• Digital Controls - Sauna activity can be effective if the temperature of the heat is controlled efficiently. Remember, these infrared rays can be highly dangerous to a human body at very high temperatures and may cause fatalities as well. Dual Digital controls are available in the market for a price of approximately $450.

• Sauna Doors - A Sauna session will be highly ineffective if it is held open doors. This means that Sauna should be held in a closed room. Talking about closed room, the room covering must not be made of any ad-hoc material. Remember, if infrared rays are emitted by the infrared emitter, all of them should not be floating around in the sauna room especially when you consider that the human body can take only a certain amount of infrared rays. The Sauna doors which could possibly made of fir wood will absorb the infrared rays thus ensuring that the person who attends the Sauna session is completely healthy.

• Thermostats - As per physics, these are known temperature controllers. As we have already discussed that temperature control is extremely essential for a good Sauna Session, Thermostats play a very critical aspect in Sauna. These are driven by voltages so along with a Thermostat, the user may consider purchasing a UPS (a back up for power failures) and a voltmeter which will indicate the level of voltage.

Some important things to be considered before an Infrared Sauna kit is bought.

• As soon as you buy the kit, ensure to test the kit for the proper working of the electrical components. There are many companies who sell infrared sauna kits to users and there are many unscrupulous ones in the list as well. You must do well to ensure that you do not fall into the trap of the unscrupulous salesman.

• Do not intend to have children use the infrared sauna kit. This is very important to note because children may not know how to handle these sophisticated equipments which may endanger their lives as well.

• You could install the Infrared Sauna kit yourself by following the instructions manual which invariably accompanies the Sauna kit. If you are not confident in doing so, I would suggest that you hire the services of a specialized personnel who will do this job for you. It will always be better than you making a hash of it by installing the kit yourself.

Building for infrared sauna

Infrared Sauna works on the principle of Infrared heating to provide heat to the Sauna user. Almost all the modern Saunas in use work on this principle of infrared heating. Though, easy to assemble and providing good customer satisfaction, Infrared Saunas could prove to be a dangerous proposition to some users. The reason is Infrared Rays can be extremely dangerous to a human body if the body is subjected to an over-dose of infrared rays.

Now, you can build your own Infrared Sauna with infrared heaters, Sauna doors, Thermostats. All that you would need to do is follow my simple tips for you to be effective in building your own infrared sauna.

Some tips for building an Infrared Sauna…

• Ensure that you buy a good infrared heater – You would ideally need to invest some amount of money to buy a good infrared heater. Remember, any infrared sauna building exercise will be null and void without this. This equipment is responsible for the heat to be provided to the user. You could decide on buying any infrared heater which provides you with 90% FIR Emission.

• Invest time in designing your Sauna room – Agreed that it is an infrared sauna which you plan to build where a lot of activity is done by the electromechanical equipments, but a faulty sauna room design will ensure that all the work done by the electromechanical equipments goes waste. You would need to consider on the roofing of the sauna room, the wall structure of the sauna room ,the door of the sauna room and many other factors. Just one example will be good enough to validate what I am trying to convey. Imagine that you are in the Infrared Sauna bath for 1 hour and decide to step out. If the handle of your door is made of steel or iron, you may not even be able to open the door since steel and iron are good conductors of heat. Having a wooden or a fir designed handle will do the trick for you, but this point just indicates how important it is for one to focus on elementary things for building infrared sauna.

• Focus on temperature control for your infrared sauna unit – Remember, an infrared sauna activity bath if done for more than 30 minutes can ensure that you get a feeling if you are on a furnace. While the objective of a sauna bath is precisely that, you must make sure that you are comfortable with the whole deal. Hence, get a good temperature control which will allow you to modify and control the Sauna temperature effectively.

• Focus on the ceiling height – The sauna room should have an appropriate height. Small sauna rooms ensure that you may not be able to make best use of the Sauna bath over a long period of time. A taller room will make you stay for one full day to get the ultimate Sauna bath experience. Typically, a finished ceiling height of 80” will fit the requirement.

Is Infrared Sauna Better Than A Regular Sauna?

First, I think it’s important that I take a second to mention something about the hype coming from many sellers about infrared sauna benefits.

Without going into specifics, the message being sent to people is that an infrared sauna can be the answer for your fitness and weight loss prayers. It's true that an infrared sauna carries some of the benefits of exercise, but it's not a suitable replacement by any stretch.

With that out of the way…

A far infrared sauna benefits you in the same ways as “regular” saunas. They both are good for…
enhancing immune system activity
improving blood circulation
enhancing detoxification processes
deep skin cleansing
relieving tension

Two extra benefits of far infrared saunas are:

1. softer heat

2. deeper detoxification

Gentle Heat

The softer heat in a far infrared sauna is an advantage or disadvantage depending on your preference. You might enjoy the extreme temperatures in traditional saunas as many people do, however…

There are many others who don’t particularly like the extreme heat. Their feelings range from uncomfortable to simply unbearable.
Traditional or hot-air saunas operate anywhere between 150 and 200° F.
Compare that to a far infrared sauna at 110 to 140° F.

Big difference, right?

Most hot-air home saunas do have adjustable temperature settings, but the temperature still needs to be set pretty high to cause heavy sweating. An infrared sauna uses far infrared rays as the heating source. The difference?

Your body is heated from the inside out. This means the surrounding air doesn’t need to be heated to such extreme levels for heavy sweating. If you’re one of those people who have a hard time tolerating extreme sauna temperatures, a far infrared sauna offers a very nice alternative.
After all, the surrounding air is typically 40 to 90° lower!

Enhanced Detoxification

Saunas and other forms of sweat baths in general can enhance detoxification processes. A far infrared sauna may have deeper tissue cleansing effects. How?

According to many sauna experts, far infrared rays penetrate your skin about one and a half inches deep. Dr. Lawrence Wilson, a holistic physician and sauna expert, had this to say: "According to research, far-infrared is more cleansing than traditional saunas. The deep penetration of the infrared energy allows the cells to eliminate better."

If detoxification is one of your main goals for using a sauna, a far infrared sauna is definitely worth exploring. Read More...

The Infrared Sauna Story

The history of saunas is extensive, however the infrared sauna is a relatively new concept. The evolution of sauna heaters from the smoke sauna to the infrared sauna heater makes for an interesting story. Palm healing, with a 3000-year history in China, is based on the natural healing properties of far infrared. Today’s Infrared sauna is an excellent combination of ancient sauna and Infrared wave technology.

The Infrared Sauna is fairly new but it is quickly gaining its own reputation. The most important part of any infrared sauna is the infrared emitters. Air in the infrared sauna is heated to between 110-120F, the traditional sauna heats up to between 150-180F. There is a common misconception that the infrared sauna does not get hot because it heats the occupants and not the air. This is not true. The Infrared Sauna is a ' dry' environment at lower temperatures than its traditional counterpart.

Any heat that builds up in an infrared sauna is of secondary importance to the infrared energy that will be absorbed directly. The infrared sauna is safe. The upfront cost of a far-infrared sauna is quite reasonable; most of the savings come from the installation. The heater uses low amounts of energy and has the ability to heat quickly, at a very low cost.

The infrared sauna is usually a wooden box type of enclosure that contains infrared heaters. Infrared saunas will cost varying amounts, ranging from very affordable to top-of-the-line. The average electrical cost is 5 cents per kw hour. The Infrared health sauna technology is proven to be effective for detoxification.

Is The Infrared Sauna Healthy ?

Frequent use of an infrared sauna is a great way to detoxify. The Sweat you produce from an infrared sauna can be anywhere around 80% water and 15% toxins. The experience of a far infrared sauna session is said to be similar to that of sunbathing, however rather than burning the skin it gives you a radiant beauty and a glowing complexion.

The temperature in an infrared sauna is nowhere as high as a traditional sauna nevertheless it delivers most of the benefits.. The far infrared sauna is very invigorating and revitalizing for the body. An added health benefit of using an infrared sauna is weight loss. It is also thought that the infrared sauna is very effective for detoxifying mercury from your body.

The history of saunas goes way back in time. The word sauna is derived from the Finnish word for dry heat bath nonetheless the infrared sauna is a relatively new concept. The Far Infrared Sauna is also exceptional for burning calories, controlling weight, and removing cellulite. Because it heats you and not the air, the heat in a far-infrared sauna is not harsh on your skin like old-fashioned traditional steam saunas.

The Infrared Sauna is a ' dry' environment at lower temperatures. Studies have shown that the detoxification potential of a far infrared sauna is 3 times greater than a regular sauna. Another benefit of an infrared sauna is that it does not require water for its functioning. The far infrared sauna is a great tool to stay young and healthy along with the fact that it does not cost an arm and a leg to run it.

Portable Infrared Sauna vs a Conventional Sauna

The health benefits derived from the use of a portable infrared sauna are astounding. Whether you simply visit a sauna to relax, or for the health benefits: investing in a portable infrared sauna can prove to be a worthwhile endeavor for lifelong improvement to your health.

There are a few differences between a conventional sauna and a portable infrared sauna, A portable infrared sauna can be very light weight, and with price being the only consideration; is an absolute bargain. In a conventional sauna the heat you feel is created by using heated steam. This heated steam has to warm the air around you in order for you to get the heat benefits of the sauna. An infrared sauna uses infrared radiation, producing rays or 'waves' similar to the sun without the harmful side effects. The feeling of using an infrared sauna can be likened to stepping outside on a brisk, yet sunny, day. If you step into the sunlight, even on a chilly day, you can feel the warming effects of the sun on your skin while the air around you does not seem to be warmed.

This is the same manner in which a portable infrared sauna expels heat: this method directly heats your skin with deep penetration only using about 20% of the heating properties to heat the air around you. This is not only more effective, it also allows for a quicker sauna 'warm up' time. Using infrared technology, your portable sauna will heat up in 5-10 minutes whereas a conventional sauna will take from a full half hour or more to reach your desired heat.
Aside from the price and heating differences between a conventional sauna and a portable infrared sauna: there may be increased health benefits when choosing the latter.

Some health benefits of using a portable infrared sauna are:
*Does not dry up mucous membranes as conventional saunas can
*Allows for quicker detoxification of man made toxins
*Increase the effectiveness of your immune system
*Creates 2 to 3 times the amount of sweat volume than a conventional sauna

You can do Infrared Sauna yourself

If you Buying an infrared sauna cabin can be too expensive, especially if you’re not sure you’ll benefit from it. Infrared sauna blankets, bags or domes force you to lie on one place for half an hour and are not cheap too. However, another option exists - it is to do an infrared sauna yourself.

You can build it to prove yourself that infrared will give some benefit to your health before buying an infrared sauna cabin, or it can be a convenient way to have a home sauna when you have not much free space at your home.

Building a sauna yourself may involve doing some electrical wiring. Infrared heaters used in a sauna usually have high power requirements - as much as 1000 Watt. Please, do not try to build sauna yourself if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you’ll set up a sauna in a bathroom keep in mind that as a wet place it has strict requirements for electrical wiring safety.

Infrared sauna with two infrared heaters

First way to set up a home sauna is described by Jim Clements in his article The Bathroom for FIR Sauna, in which he explains how to use two infrared heaters placed in a relatively small room (5×11 feet suggested). He uses two 500 Watt 9 Amp infrared heaters from THMI, saying that these heaters give similar experience as in an infrared sauna cabin. He gives no specific information about this heaters aside from wattage and don’t know if any other brand of heaters will suit for this sauna set-up. Make sure that extension cord can safely handle power requirements of an infrared heater.

At pre-heating stage Jim recommends to turn heaters to a door or to a wall for heating to occur faster. Don’t place heaters too close to the walls or other objects due to the risk of inflammation. When the room is heated you can use it as a common infrared sauna, just go and sweat there. As an addition for two heaters Jim uses a 250 Watt infrared lamp hanged on the room ceiling (in his description he suggests to attach it to a shower curtain rod. Infrared sauna with infrared lamps
Another way to build an infrared sauna at your home is proposed by Dr. Lawrence Wilson. On his page about sauna therapy he describes how to use three 250 Watt infrared light bulbs to build an infrared sauna. Also you will need three ceramic or plastic lamp sockets for the bulbs, fifteen feet of heavy lamp cord, medium duty male wall plug and a switch, or better, timer-switch which is capable to handle seven amps current.

Sockets should be wired in parallel. Connect socket wire to a switch. After attaching sockets to the board with screws you need to make a cover form hardware cloth to prevent bulbs from touching anything, also describes how to build an enclosure for your sauna with a set of pipes. The minus is that infrared heaters cost more than infrared heat lamps. This sauna’s safety depends on a skill of the person who made it and can be dangerous if done improperly.
Remember - safety first.

I hope this overview of the ways of building an infrared sauna yourself will be helpful.

3 Steps to Enjoy Infrared Sauna Session

At infrared sauna does not have strict usage guidelines. A sauna session has a few simple steps that you can adjust to your need.

Step 1: Preparing to take an infrared sauna.

Begin with turning on your infrared sauna and setting the temperature you like. Now you have some time (10-20 minutes) while the sauna is warming up. Don’t forget to wipe water from your body before going to infrared sauna, because the wood of your sauna can get dark or warped after water. Some people do some physical exercises before sauna as it can shorten time it takes to begin perspire.
Make a fresh juice or fill a glass of mineral water to enjoy it in a infrared sauna.
While taking a sauna you’ll probably need some tools. One or two towels are recommended to wipe sweat as it will appear on your body. In another words I recommend to spend time while your infrared sauna is heating in some activity that takes you away from everyday routine and concentrates you on a nearing sauna session and makes you more peaceful and relaxed. I believe that enjoying your sauna not only pleasant but can significantly increase overall healing effect.

Step 2: Taking an infrared sauna.

When the sauna is ready enter it and take a comfortable position. Listening to music or watching a DVD player (some sophisticated infrared saunas can have a display and a DVD player installed) are additional options. As an infrared sauna has lower temperature and doesn’t involve steam and water as conventional saunas do, it has much broader range of possible activities. If you feel it’s too hot, ventilate sauna cabin by ventilation window (many saunas has one) or simply by opening a door for a short time. Don’t forget to wipe sweat from your body from time to time as it will lead to more intense sweating.
An infrared sauna can cause hyperthermia and should be used with care. As a general rule, if at some moment you will stop sweating or feel bad and uncomfortable, go out of the sauna immediately. Never use a sauna after alcohol intake and don’t drink alcohol while taking a sauna. Don’t force yourself into taking a sauna. It is strongly not recommended to sleep in sauna.
How often you should take sauna sessions?

Step 3: After the sauna.

I recommend scheduling your time in such way that you will have at least 15 minutes of free time after the sauna. Then take a shower of bath to wash away sweat. Your sauna which gave you such a wonderful sauna session deserves some attention too. It will make your sauna to stay new and serve you longer.
Enjoy full with sauna !

Infrared Sauna is health ?

Basically, an infrared sauna is named a sauna because manufacturers want to draw a parallel in consumer’s mind between a conventional Scandinavian sauna and new product they offer. Don’t be misguided by this name; an infrared sauna and a Finnish sauna have more differences than similarities. In order for a human body to begin sweating it should be heated. In a steam sauna it is air heated by the stove - very hot air, which is usually around 80 °C (176 °F) degrees, going up to 120 °C (248 °F) in extreme cases. We do not get burn in such hot atmosphere because of very low humidity of Finnish saunas.

In an infrared sauna the main source of heat is an infrared radiation from infrared heaters. Infrared rays don’t heat the air, they heat human skin directly, and temperature of the air in an infrared sauna is warm, but much lower than in a steam sauna - 50-60 °C (120-140 °F). So, conditions in an infrared sauna are different, and the way a sauna is taken is different either. In a conventional sauna it is recommended to stay no longer than 5-10 minutes, while in an infrared sauna typical session duration is 30 minutes.
In a conventional sauna humidity is controlled (from extra dry in high-temperature sauna, to very wet in a hammam, Turkish bath). In an infrared sauna humidity is not controlled. From the other side, an infrared sauna is much easier to use, it heats you more deeply than conventional sauna and consumes times less electrical power.

So which sauna to buy is up to you. Infrared sauna is a label. An infrared sauna (often called infrared cabin) is not the equivalent of a Finnish sauna.
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