Detoxification With Infrared Sauna

Detoxify by Sweating in your Infrared Sauna, I think you know what is detoxifying mainly refers to the body releasing toxins from foods, air and other harmful environs that are consumed. For infrared sauna detoxification is great, why? because sweating is one of the best ways to detoxify, either through exercise, exertion, hot bathing and by using infrared sauna to sweat out the pollutants in the body. Also infrared sauna actually uses heat to penetrate the skin with using infrared energy waves to increase perspiration, thus eliminating harmful elements in your body directly.

What Kind of Toxins are in Your Body?

Did you know that over 3,000 "additives" aka - chemicals - are used within the food supply just in the United States alone? Plus the metals, toxic chemicals, preservatives, additives and unhealthy things that are added to the food to make it taste better, last longer and basically poison us! Infrared sauna detoxification can help prevent or revert the damage that has been done, through regular perspiration to help the body naturally rid itself of those terrible things we ingest and use.

Although it doesn't happen overnight, over time using an infra cabin or sauna actually boosts the immune system, increases circulation and causes healing in the body. Another bonus is the ability to manage weight, since sweating helps to loosen fat cells and sodium buildup and water retention. Many infrared sauna users experience some weight loss over a prolonged period of time. The health promoting benefits of infrared saunas are plentiful. As detoxification aids, sweating in infrared saunas can improve:
• Healing old injuries
• Blood circulation
• Asthma, bronchitis and other breathing conditions
• Reduces stress
• Joint problems
• Manage metabolism and weight
• Improves skin color and cleanses pores

Sweating in an infrared cabin boosts immunity in many ways. Just like when you suffer from a fever from the flu, the body must get hotter to increase its natural immune system and increase white blood cells, thereby slowing the process of bacteria or virus. In other words, the infrared sauna helps to ward off sickness before symptoms ever arise because the detoxification promotes a healthy immune system.

Some kinds of fast food are especially terrible to eat. It's full of things like preservatives, cholesterol, sulfur, chemicals, aluminum and even mercury. Far-infrared cabin heat and infrared sauna therapy are said to boost your metabolism and immune system at a cellular level, while detoxifying your body through perspiration. Some people find that eating a healthier diet along with the infrared sauna use can really make a dramatic and pleasing change to their appearance and weight management.

Infrared Sauna For Natural Body Detoxification

I Think almost people now already know about the body detoxification powers of infrared saunas. There is not that some scientist invented this or something, infrared sauna is a totally natural phenomenon now.

Infrared Sauna make beauty. You do not need to swallow pills, start a stringent diet or use obscure patches or a detoxification sample product to clean out your body and start to looking and feeling better.

And I think infrared sauna therapy is a sexier solution. It gives you an all natural body detoxification, right !

Now, Everybody is talking about infrared saunas and the amazing effect they have on your health, but only few people know about the natural purifying and regenerating power they have for your body.

One liter of sweat in an ordinary sauna contains approximately 3% toxins, in an infrared sauna this is 20% ! Analysis of sweat in an infrared sauna :
 80 to 85% water
 Fat
 Cholesterol
 Acids
 Natrium
 Ammoniac
 Heavy metals : lead – cadmium – nickel – copper – sodium

Oke let’s talking regarding natural body detoxification : if you are going to loose a lot of bad stuff during an infrared sauna session ! Drink enough water before and after the session for infrared sauna. That makes it a lot easier for your body to get rid of all this unwanted material. And it prevents you from dehydrating.

Infrared Sauna Guide

If you've ever looked for an infrared sauna guide, you've no doubt figured out most of it - get in and sweat. But there is more to using a sauna correctly and safely. To begin, you at least need to know what to wear, what temperature to use, and how long to stay in.

Before the Sauna

Before the sauna, you should drink a glass of water or other hydrating drink (like a sports drink; not coffee, soda, or alcohol.)

Next, every infrared sauna guide will tell you to take a quick shower to get dirt, dry skin, and any soap or lotion residue off your skin.

If you want to do a dry brush to increase your circulation and the benefits of the sauna, then do that before you shower. It's not necessary, but it sure does feel good!

You should wear as little as possible in a sauna, and ideally you should wear nothing. However, if you're using a public sauna or even popping into your friend's sauna, unclothed may not be an option. If you're going to wear clothes, wear loose-fitting clothes that breathe, like shorts and a tank top or loose cotton t-shirt, or a bathing suit even.

If you're going to sauna unclothed, you should take in at least two towels with you-one to sit on and one to wipe sweat with.

Even if you wear clothes, you should still take in a towel to wipe sweat from your body.

Set the temperature fairly low if you're new to a sauna. Traditional hot-rock and steam saunas operate at about 170 - 200 degrees. Some people find this uncomfortable, even intolerable.

The beauty of an infrared sauna is that you can gain the benefits of sweating at much lower temperatures. This is important if you have been unable to tolerate the heat of a traditional sauna for very long.

If you're new to saunas altogether, and have never looked at an infrared sauna guide, start your infrared sauna sessions at about 100 degrees. If that's comfortable for you, then bump the temperature up by about 5 degrees every time until you reach the temperature you like the best for the time you like to spend in the sauna.

Infrared sauna guide: During the Sauna

How long to stay in a sauna depends on several factors. First, listen to your body and don't over do it.

If you're new to using an infrared sauna, start with a lower temperature and stay in for maybe 5-10 minutes. But if you start feeling faint, claustrophobic, or anything else uncomfortable, by all means cut the session short or open the sauna door for a bit. As you get used to the sauna experience, you will be able to tolerate longer and longer stays. An average sauna is about 25-35 minutes, but some people stay in as long as 45 minutes to an hour.

If you have health conditions or are sick, keep the sessions on the lower side at first until you build up tolerance. When you first start to sauna with health issues (and please, check with your doctor first!), start at about 5 minutes, unless you're able to easily tolerate more time. You might only be able to tolerate one session a week if you have health issues, and that's fine. Work towards increasing time spent in the sauna and the number of saunas per week to about 30 minutes each day for the best overall benefit. (Better to use your infrared sauna less than you anticipated at first than to overdo it and do yourself harm.)

You can take drinks into the sauna with you, but again, only water or sports drink. Don't drink caffeinated drinks or alcohol before or during a sauna.

If you want to listen to music or read, that's fine, too. In fact, infrared saunas come with the option to purchase a quality, heat and moisture-proof sound system. Your walkman or MP3 player will work, too, but remember you'll be sweating, so the unit and ear buds may get sweaty.
Infrared sauna guide: After the Sauna

After you're done in the sauna, take a warm to cool shower to remove sweat and toxins from your skin. If possible, avoid putting soap and especially lotion on your skin, which will only clog the pores you just cleansed. A cold water rinse will close up your pores quickly and leave your skin feeling incredibly and naturally smooth.

You might feel the need to relax before getting back to your day. Listen to your body. A sauna is relaxing, so why not savor the invigorating and relaxing feelings for a while. Read More...
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